1893, September 7: Sale of Furniture from Pescott Kent Times
"Pescott, Longfield, near Fawkham, Kent. Franklin Homan is instructed by Mrs Anderson, who is leaving, to sell by auction, on the premises as above, on Wednesday and Thursday, 20th and 21st September, 1893 at 12 for 1 o'clock on each day, the whole of the valuable household furniture and effects, comprising the complete dining room furniture in American walnut by Collinson and Lock, including a set of telescope dining tables with screw movement, 4ft 3 in by 10ft, a 5ft carving table forming a cabinet for the leaves of the dining table, a writing table 5ft by 3ft, a 6ft by 6in pedestal sideboard with raised back, cellarets and plate drawers, 8 massive chairs upholstered in Morocco leather, and 3 book cases, an elegant ebonized and amboyna wood drawing room table, ditto music cabinet, ditto overmantle, lounge, easy chairs, ebonized chairs, Brussels carpets, brass and iron fenders, fire implements, tapestry curtains, cornice poles, Persian and other rugs, valuable Benares brass work, ornamental china and venetian glass oranments, an Oriental china dessert service, dinner and tea services, table glass, plated goods, about 300 vols of books, a few oil paintings and engravings, hall furniture, and carpets, the contents of 7 bedrooms, including a suite of superior American walnut bedroom furniture, iron French bedstead, mattresses and bedding, the kitchen furniture and utensils, modern dairy equipment, quantity of greenhouse plants, and valuable well grown chrysanthemums, garden tools, forcing pits and frames, chestnut pony, village cart and harness, and other effects.